Part VI – Article 34 – Section 34.06 – Subsections (1) (2) (3) (4) of the 1997 Manitoba Framework Agreement (MFA):
34.06 Consensus Model Decision Making
(1) Except in matters requiring the direction of the Chairperson under Article 34, 35 and 36 of the MFA, the Implementation Monitoring Committee will operate with and by the consensus of all of its members.
(2) Where the Implementation Monitoring Committee is unable to resolve an issue or matter in dispute on a consensus basis, it shall refer the issue or matter in dispute for resolution as further provided under Article 34 and Article 35 of the MFA.
(3) The members of the Implementation Monitoring Committee will be guided by the principle that the parties each have a continuing obligation to act in good faith in implementing this Agreement and any Treaty Entitlement Agreement including the resolution of any issue or matter in dispute.
(4) The Implementation Monitoring Committee may from time to time make rules of procedure to govern its operation.